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"Sahara" (Dalar 3)
A lone cactus stood, starkly silhouetted against the horizon, bearing a shape familiar but twisted. Bluffs loomed in the far distance beyond an undulating ocean of dunes, and not a drop of water could be seen. It was as if this land had always existed parched and forgotten by rain. Only the desert stretched on, endless." (Starganauts, 41)
"Sahara," known in the Gorvan System as Dalar 3, is a barren, desert world. There are some elevations on this vast, seemingly empty planet, with canyons, plateaus, low mountains, and sinkholes. Alien cacti, lizards, snakes, scorpions, and armadillos dot the landscape. Dalar 3 has a distinct summer and winter period, with little in between. Summer temperatures often soar to 115ËšF, while winter afternoons sit at around 75ËšF. There are no polar icecaps due to the extreme heat, and the only water to be found is subterranean.
Sharko and Kaity Anderson on Sahara. Picture by bryan_brewer91
"Sahara," known in the Gorvan System as Dalar 3, is a barren, desert world. There are some elevations on this vast, seemingly empty planet, with canyons, plateaus, low mountains, and sinkholes. Alien cacti, lizards, snakes, scorpions, and armadillos dot the landscape. Dalar 3 has a distinct summer and winter period, with little in between. Summer temperatures often soar to 115ËšF, while winter afternoons sit at around 75ËšF. There are no polar icecaps due to the extreme heat, and the only water to be found is subterranean.

Centuries later, a battle was fought above Dalar 3's surface between the Cybrius and Warockie, leaving a ship graveyard. Nick and Abigale Dundee arrived on "Sahara" a century after this, and they lived on the planet alone for two years before the Starganauts' crash landing. Once the Eight came, Vogul began combing the world in an effort to find and annihilate them. Thus the future of humanity hangs on one of the Gorvan System's most insignificant worlds.
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